Let's Talk Coordinates! Fall Edition

If you follow us on social media you know we are obsessed with all things fall! Warm, rich browns, crisp reds, vibrant golds, we find everything about this season suits our frilly fashion perfectly. Even...

November 2019: Shop Update!

At the end of the year, we usually look at all of the pieces we've purchased and we all usually have the same problem: we have all these main pieces but no blouses! And with...

Black Friday Kawaii Fashion Round-up 2018

Time to get those bargains. Love kawaii lolita decora gothic or other jfashion and looking to get some Black Friday shopping in? We are trying to round up the latest deals from brands that we...

Black Friday Deal Round-up 2017

Here at Lolita Collective Headquarters we really love the deals that come the day after - especially when it's from a small independent manufacturer. Some of the larger stores are up to something too, and...

MechaCon 2016

Lolita Collective attended MechaCon in New Orleans, LA on July 29-31, 2016. We were at Booth CC in the dealers hall! Here are some pictures of the booth at the convention:

Anime Expo 2016

We were at Anime Expo this past weekend on July 1-4, 2016. It was our first time selling in California at the largest anime convention in the United States! Anime Expo brings well-known guests from...

July Mossbadger Releases

Now announcing the new release of mossbadger prints – Mystic Tarot, My Wife’s Lovers, and Cats in Frames! Mystic Tarot and My Wife’s Lovers are now available on our web store for reserve. Cats in...

Gabriel Tokimeki

Exciting news about a new independent brand that joined us! We’re proud to announce that Gabriel Tokimeki (トキメキ帝国の桃色ガブリエル / tokimeki teikoku no momoiro gabriel) is now on the Lolita Collective webshop. The Collective will be bringing these...

Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Sign up to the Lolita Collective mailing list for updates on future events, newly added brands, and sales!

mossbadger – All of Them Witches collection

Preorders are up on our new webshop for the mossbadger “All of Them Witches” collection. These designs were first seen at Rufflecon 2015.  We have limited reservation for first batch, due to be completed Dec....

Back from Rufflecon 2015…

Hello everyone! We’re coming back from Rufflecon 2015 with lots of fun memories and more lolita friends! Some highlights: Triple Fortune designers KAIE and BABI attended again, along with Kimura U (designer of KOKOkim &...

Statement against Anime Matsuri

Hello everyone, The Lolita Collective wholeheartedly supports this petition regarding John Leigh and Anime Matsuri. https://www.change.org/p/japanese-lolita-association-global-lolita-community-revoke-the-kawaii-ambassador-titles-from-john-and-deneice-leigh The Lolita Collective, in keeping with our anti-bullying and anti-harassment policy, do not support the actions of John Leigh and...

Con+Alt+Delete 2014

Whew! What a weekend! Con+Alt+Delete was a great time! Bigger and better than ever the support at our booth was fantastic! We took some of our newest arrivals from Erotomania and Souffle Song and sold...

Youmacon This Weekend! 10/30-11/2

Greetings Loli lovers! We are packing up and headed to Youmacon 2014 this weekend in Detroit, Michigan! What is Youmacon? From their site:“Youmacon is a popular culture event similar to most “Comic Cons”, however instead...

Online Shop Coming Soon + Conventions Added!

Hello all! Just a heads up, our new online store that is packed with all sorts of indie brands will be up soon! We are all very excited to have these items available in the...